This pages gives an overview of the diverse fields of research that I conduct. Pictures are taken at workshops, during presentations, in the lab or during field experiments. Some professional photography is included with consent of the copyright holder. I also show some photos from the main organisms and organism communities I did research work with. I also showcase some pictures of the robots that I developed together with my project partners in joint research and/or I developed bio-inspired algorithms for.
(Due to the rather large collection of pictures here, this page might load rather slowly, depending also on your internet connection's speed. The photos are put here in high-res on purpose to ensure their quality.)
Some snapshots at work
At Lakeside Days (at the Lakeside Labs, Klagenfurt, Austria) in 2017
(Photo: Lakeside Labs via twitter)
Some bees, some ASSISI robots & a laser vibrometer
(Photo: Uni Graz/Kernasenko)
End of a successful midnight mission with an aMussel robot in the Venice lagoon
(with colleagues: Alexandre Campo, Godfried van Vuuren, Martin Stefanec)
During a typical lab meeting
(Photo: Uni Graz/Kernasenko)
With bees and ASSISI robots at the experimental arena
(Photo: Uni Graz/Kernasenko)
At TEDxGraz, the umbrella was an essential tool here
Discussing an aMussel robot with a colleague
(Photo: Uni Graz/Konstantinov)
Some portraits for the press
With an aMussel robot in our dark lab, in the back is an artificial tree
(Photo: Uni Graz/Kernasenko)
Final review of Symbrion/Replicator with my RoboSnake!
Many of my swarm algorithms run on such e-puck robots
In the Arsenale of Venice with an aFish & an aMussel robot
In the dark lab with aMussel robots and an artificial tree
(Photo: Uni Graz/Kernasenko)
With a prototype of the HIVELOPOLIS
(Photo: Uni Graz/Konstantinov)
With a prototype of the HIVEOPOLIS
(Photo: Uni Graz/Konstantinov)
The organisms in my research
Honeybee foraging
Climbing plants
Honeybee foraging
Structured habitats
Non-bee pollination service
Honeybee foraging
Honeybee foraging
Honeybee queen and her court
Honeybee foraging
Non-bee pollination service
Diversity of non-bee pollination service
Non-bee pollination service
Honeybee brood
Honeybee comb
Honeybee with positive phototaxis
Underwater communities
(from robot underwater cam)
Underwater communities
(from robot underwater cam)
Underwater communities
(from robot underwater cam)
Underwater communities
(from robot underwater cam)
Underwater communities
(from robot underwater cam)
The robots in my research
Jeff robot in CoCoRo
Artificial tree (Flora Robotica)
Large robotic organism in REPLICATOR
Honeybees with ASSISIbf CASU (robot)
The Lily robot swarm
Parts of the subCUTron swarm in Venice
snapshot from the CoCoRo system
Lily robots in firefly mode
Jeff robots doing the BEECLUST with magnetic fields
e-puck Robots in REBODIMENT doing the BEECLUST in temperature fields
Binary decision wall in Flora Robotica
ASSISIbf CASUs (robots)
Rebodiment Hemisson prototype
Ant bots with fluorescent pheromone trail emulation
Ant bot
Connected e-puck robots evolve coordinated motion with a hormone inspüired control software
Simples robotic "organism" with e-pucks
I-Swarm robot (size comparison)
Binary decision wall in action with climbing plants
ASSISIbf arena with wax floor
A group of aMUSSEL robots before deployment
Two Jasmine robots interacting via IR light signaling
I-SWARM robot prototype and CAD model
Fish robots in ASSISIbf (by EPFL)
Jasmine robot swarm
CoCoRo robot swarm
Thymio-II robots emulating plant growth
aMussel robot gets docked by aPad robot
Flora Robotica robot
Flora Robotica robot
2d printing of a HIVEOPOLIS
Bee traffic management in HIVEOPOLIS
Fungus-grown HIVEOPOLIS
Technology and honeybees
Fungus material and honeybees
Augmented brood comb
Jasmine robot swarm
I-Swarm locomotion layer
Multiple Scout bots in an robotic organism
Robotic organism from Scout-bots and K-bots
K-bot organism
Robotic organism formed from all robot types in REPLICATOR
Active wheel robot in action
aMussel robots
a Fish robot and aMussel robots
ASSISIbf arena CASUs (robots)
ASSISIbf arena CASUs (robots)
ASSISIbf arena CASUs (robots)